Do you prefer using of the apps or the websites | Discussion Bucks

Do you prefer using of the apps or the websites


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Literary Virtuoso
Oct 2, 2023
D Bucks
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Most of the time l prefer using the websites rather than the apps. This is because downloading many apps on your device depletes the phone storage and strains the phone memory and the working capacity.
Still websites works much better for me. I don't like having apps for every site. This way I just need browser and everything is in it.
Same here. I prefer websites over apps because the latter can slow down my smartphone at times. Furthermore, I enjoy the user experience when using websites.
its website for me too. The reason I prefer websites over apps is because, since I don't use them regularly, they would just add space on my phone. I only download apps if I use them every day.
I prefer websites because they work much faster and also have a lot more information, while apps try to put only the most important
I agree with you on that, downloading apps makes my phone storage runout and that will make my phone stuck and overheat, so i prefer using a web version of many things except Facebook and tiktok.
i don't know why but I have always prefer to use the seems it is always good for me to navigate than using the app
I prefer using the website cause it would help me save more space on my phone. But if the app has more options and makes it easier for me, then am definitely going to use it.
I prefer app because is more flexibility and use less energy than website. Most of all my online business is through my smartphone because it is difficult to keep your computer for a long time without energy. Energy is a huge prpblem in my country.