Graphics Card or Processor- Which is a more important hardware for PC gaming | Discussion Bucks

Graphics Card or Processor- Which is a more important hardware for PC gaming


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Literary Virtuoso
Oct 4, 2023
D Bucks
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When it comes to gaming on PC, one would always need high end hardware to handle the rigorous demand of playing games on a PC.

Which between the graphics card or the processor is expected to be of highest spec for a PC game to run smoothly? Should I buy a PC with a high spec graphics card or high specs processor given a chance to choose one for PC gaming.
Both the processor and the video card have to be good along with the RAM too, I believe that an I7 with a slightly more modern AMD video card and an 8 GB RAM is enough to run some top games.
I think the two has to be good to be able to have a good gaming experience.