Have you tried Media.net | Discussion Bucks

Have you tried Media.net


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Sep 29, 2023
D Bucks
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media.net is usually praised as the best alternative to Google Adsense. That's because it is an online advertising network for publishers created by Bing and Yahoo. It works just like adsnese, you earn from legitimate clicks on ads. Have you used media.net ads, were you able to make money with this ad network?
Never used any of these services before, and I don't think I would be using it anytime soon.
Never used any of these services before, and I don't think I would be using it anytime soon.
That's because you don't have a website, right? IN order to use media.net you need a self hosted website with a lot of high quality content and a site with north American traffic.
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That's because you don't have a website, right? IN order to use media.net you need a self hosted website with a lot of high quality content and a site with north American traffic.
Yes I don't have a website, but from what you have said, even if I have one I might still not be able to use it unless I have traffic from north America.
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I believe this is an artwork I have use them before in the pass but I think that Google Adsense is still the leading adsnetwork which anyone can use thou their approval time takes longer than others
This is my first time hearing about it. I will check it out since I started blogging again using a freelancing platform. I hope it is way better than Google AdSense.
That's because you don't have a website, right? IN order to use media.net you need a self hosted website with a lot of high quality content and a site with north American traffic.
How much approximately does it cost to set up a website , most especially in terms of web hosting. Or will free hosting platforms work with these too?
How much approximately does it cost to set up a website , most especially in terms of web hosting. Or will free hosting platforms work with these too?
You can set up a website for less than $30 (the first year cost). If you are good with marketing and SEO, you can easily recover this money in one year
I haven't used media.net ads. But from what I know, it is indeed often regarded as a strong alternative to Google AdSense.
Media.net has been getting very good reviews and I believe it is an outstanding ad network in it's own rights. Good that there is a viable alternative to Google Ad Sense.
Though not owning website yet, l have never heard about that adnetwork before. It's however a very great idea if we can have more alternatives to the Google AdSense.