Top companies, officials criminally defaming online workers, investors | Discussion Bucks

Top companies, officials criminally defaming online workers, investors


Community Advocate
Literary Virtuoso
Oct 21, 2023
D Bucks
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One of the major problems faced by online workers, investors is the systematic criminal defamation of some of the largest tech, internet companies, top government officials. The government employees are falsely claiming that they and their lazy greedy girlfriends, associates are paying expenses, when bank records clearly show that the girlfriends , associates have never paid expenses anytime. Instead the government officials are robbing the data of the real online investor, who is also criminally defamed to make fake claims about their associates, girlfriends and getting the girlfriends, associates great powers, government jobs with the stolen data.
What is the best way for an online business owner to end the criminal defamation of top tech, internet companies, top government officials?