Do you think that the best writing sites like the bubblews could come back? | Discussion Bucks

Do you think that the best writing sites like the bubblews could come back?


Veteran Member
Literary Virtuoso
Oct 2, 2023
D Bucks
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ln the past a couple of years, there have been very great writing earning sites like the bubblews, post loop among others. Do you think these sites could ever come back on the industry?
I have never heard of this site before so I can't really say. Though I believe it is possible for even other sites to come up as well.
I had heard about those sites before, but I was not able to join them at that time due to my busy schedule. People say that those sites are quite lucrative and many are earning a lot from them.
I am just reading about these sites, so I will start checking them as whenever these return back, I'll definitely join.