Making money, has it been easy for you | Discussion Bucks

Making money, has it been easy for you


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Oct 5, 2023
D Bucks
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Making money online is not always pleasant and enjoyable. For me, it can sometimes be very tedious and stressful. Online business involves a lot of commitment, creativity and smartness. To make money online, you must put a lot of effort, time and energy. Has it been difficult for you as online entrepreneur?
Making money has never been easy for me, there have been lots of ups and downs but I still keep pushing.
Money making is not something that is pleasant because it would involve you having to deny yourself some things that you would have loved to do. It takes discipline to be able to make money online or offline, business or paid employment.
It has never been easy for me to make money online. Occasionally, I am without a job. Aside from this, the pay can sometimes be unsatisfactory.
Money making online has always been difficult for me and major reasons for that are time availability and not good writing skills. I have always wanted to learn them. But I cannot give more time to the sites because of my regular offline job which is the main source of income for me.
Even though I don't run an online business, I often hear complaints from several friends that their sales have dropped drastically even though they were booming when they first launched
For me the online income means that l engaged in online is that being so difficult to go about. Even with the efforts still the online earning journey is very difficult.
There is no way that you would make money that is pleasant. Even musicians and football stars don't have it easy to make money. You must put in some commitments to make money.
There is no way that you would make pleasant money. Even musicians and football stars don't have it easy to make money. You must put in some commitments to make money.

I agree. Hard work is an essential element in making some money. This holds true not only for those who are privileged but also for ordinary individuals like us.
When it's come to money issues you need to know that making money is never an easy task so you need to pass through alot to reach your goals and hard work is just one of the way to do just this
After years of experience, finally I reached over a conclusion as making money online is much more difficult and uncertain as compare to offline work. I am just missing my offline jobs, where I was getting regular fixed salaries. Here you start work, see yourself on proper route and then suddenly the site will close and you'll remain nowhere. As I was on track in coinpayu site as I was writing articles and getting prizes regularly, everything was smooth and suddenly they announced that they can't afford so they will close writing site. Same happened in,, iwriter.
So if anyone of you are still able to get some offline job then grab it as a first choice.
When it's come to money issues you need to know that making money is never an easy task so you need to pass through alot to reach your goals and hard work is just one of the way to do just this
We just have to know this. it is never easy for anyone. We just have to keep sweating to make money
Money doesn't fly to our wallets we have to labor, to work harder to achieve our goal. It's not easy, I've learned it through my experience.
You would have to give efforts to be able to make money. That's a basic thing. And having to give efforts is not an easy thing.
Making money has never been easy for me. When I was working full time, I had to work 9-10 hours a day. I am a freelancer now, in order to have a stable income, I need to work hard and constantly thinking of ways to retain my existing clients and how to find new ones.