Nollywood actress Stephanie Linus and husband Idahosa celebrate 13th wedding anniversary | Discussion Bucks

Nollywood actress Stephanie Linus and husband Idahosa celebrate 13th wedding anniversary


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Literary Virtuoso
Sep 29, 2023
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Veteran Hollywood Actress Stephanie Linus and her dear husband, Idahosa, celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary yesterday April 21.

Stephanie shared the good news on her Instagram page. She asked God to continue to bless her Union.
The couple have two children.
Don't think I know he though, or I might know her by face and not by name. I don't always watch Nigerian movies, or should I say I rarely watch it.
Don't think I know he though, or I might know her by face and not by name. I don't always watch Nigerian movies, or should I say I rarely watch it.
You should know her as she is amongst the pioneers actors in Nollywood. I might not just know her name
You should know her as she is amongst the pioneers actors in Nollywood. I might not just know her name
Yes I do know her, I just searched her name. I watched some of her movies back then.
That's right it just seems that the old Nollywood actors have all moved to something else. They are no longer active with acting
Lol true, they want the young ones to shine, it's there time.
Don't think I know he though, or I might know her by face and not by name. I don't always watch Nigerian movies, or should I say I rarely watch it.
You suppose to know her. She is very popular but have change her surname due to marriage. Her first surname is Okereke. Though, she is no more acting .
You suppose to know her. She is very popular but have change her surname due to marriage. Her first surname is Okereke. Though, she is no more acting .
Yes I have searched the name on Google. I know her, and I have seen a few of her movies.
That's awesome but to be honest I don't know them. I only know celebrities from the United States of America.
That's fine mate if you do watch Nollywood movies you should know the lady she is very popular
I will try to watch them on Netflix. I seldom watch a movie when I start watching I like nonestop that's why I avoid it.
Haha but we churn out very interesting movies. You just have to find time to see one or two
I will try this afternoon, I'm free and feeling excited to watch with my sister. The kiddos will also arrive to swim. I've gone swimming at the beach at 5 in the morning, water was so cool.
I will try this afternoon, I'm free and feeling excited to watch with my sister. The kiddos will also arrive to swim. I've gone swimming at the beach at 5 in the morning, water was so cool.
Yeah I know you would enjoy them. Let me know if you found them interesting and intriguing
Yeah I know you would enjoy them. Let me know if you found them interesting and intriguing
Nah, I can't watch, I forgot that I have a class on Saturday afternoon and will administer a semi-final exam to my civil engineering students. There are only 28 of them.
Nah, I can't watch, I forgot that I have a class on Saturday afternoon and will administer a semi-final exam to my civil engineering students. There are only 28 of them.
Okay then you can still find time in future to look at them. Let me know what you think then
Okay then you can still find time in future to look at them. Let me know what you think then
I may have time during summer vacation from 3rd week of June to end of August. It's our summer vacation.