What is your main earning strategies on the paid to post forim | Discussion Bucks

What is your main earning strategies on the paid to post forim


Community Advocate
Literary Virtuoso
Oct 2, 2023
D Bucks
Referral Credit
For one to succeed in any venture, there must be set guidelines and policies to be implemented for the venture to thrive exponentially.
I do not have a specific strategy, but I make an effort to participate by posting threads and responding to other members' posts. I also try to complete other tasks available on the website. My approach is to be active and engaged in the community to get the most out of the experience.
I do not follow any strategy since I post when I can, it is not a main source of income for me, it is an additional source and it is more of a hobby than anything else.
Well, I just focus daily on posting on sites and I try to spend up to an hour daily. You know the pay is small so it is post more daily.
When it comes to paid to post, I don't have an earning strategy, I simply focus on posting as much as I can.
Posting consistently is my strategy. At least, i use to give 30 minutes every evening to posting on discussionbuck. Another strategy i use for posting on forum is to concentrate on only one forum per time. I believe is better to stay on one forum and make monet that jumping from pillar to post.
No strategy I follow on the forums. I just try to interact with most of the people and try to know them and that can happen only when you spend time on them.
Posting consistently is my strategy. At least, i use to give 30 minutes every evening to posting on discussionbuck. Another strategy i use for posting on forum is to concentrate on only one forum per time. I believe is better to stay on one forum and make monet that jumping from pillar to post.
That's the best bet you just have to post consistently. Paid to post works with a minimum payout if you don't have it , you can't even get your money
Even though I joined several forum sites, I don't have a special strategy, I just use my free time to post on forum sites. Forum sites are also a hobby for short writing or just reading other people's opinions.
My only strategy is to pay attention to the expiring date to not lose my earnings and probably the account (as a lot of PTP forums have an expiring date of 30 days and to secure our earnings and maybe our account, we need to post at least once per 30 days).
My only strategy is to pay attention to the expiring date to not lose my earnings and probably the account (as a lot of PTP forums have an expiring date of 30 days and to secure our earnings and maybe our account, we need to post at least once per 30 days).
iy seems you don't post consistently online. if you do then you wouldn't be worrying about this. but to reach payout quick you need to post almost daily
When it comes to paid to post, I do not have a strategy. I currently just post on DiscussionBucks and RIF. I just follow the rules. Actually, paid to post and completing surveys are just my side hustles.
These days I try to post on RIF as per the daily limit until I get $.01 per post and then go to other forums like Dbucks, BMF, discussion hub, forumrace, etc. I don't follow any strategy there; I post whenever I get free time.
I just try to fulfil the quota. For instance on DB, I make sure to create 3 topics and 7 posts
That's what I also try to do @Nomad these days. If you want to earn from Rif and Dbucks, then you should at least post minimal, which pays you the normal rate.
Yes, it is always important to complete a site quota as consistent as you can. And you can work on multiple sites too
Even though I believe we should posts for discussion and not just for money, for most time we need to utilize time for appropriate things only.